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Fall Program!

A colorful painting depicting St. Francis standing with a large "F."

Join SBMAL on October 13th at 5:30 pm as we celebrate our Mission Music Collection! The event will include a special reception where guests will be able to view pieces of historical music that have never been on display before.



 A speccial performance by the Westmont Chamber Singers directed by Grey Brothers


Monica Orozco, Director of SBMAL

Richard Pointer, Professor of History, Westmont College

All proceeds will go to SBMAL's conservation fund.


Learn more about pieces from the Music Collection in need of conservation

The Duran Choirbook

Detail of a music page from a tattered choir book.

Fr. Narcisco Duran was Father-President of the California Missions several times and was known for his work as a choir director. For many years Duran taught instrumental and vocal music to local native peoples of San Jose and Santa Barbara Missions. His choirbook was constructed from an 1779 atlas. Pages of the atlas were folded and adhereed together to create blank pages for Duran to record pieces on. Some of these pages have come apart and will be left apart during conservation to maintain the full history of the object, however, other pages will need to be reattached to prevent future tearing. The choirbook needs an overall surface cleaning, several tears need to be addressed, and weakened corners need to be reinforced. The music was written with Iron Gall Ink which over time has begun to erode through the pages. With conservation we hope to stabilize the ink.

Undated Antiphonarium

A photo depicting a large music book with a tattered first page and ornate lettering and music notes.

Both books measure about 24 inches wide by 31 inches long. The pages are made of parchment with hand painted lettering and illuminations. The pages need a deep surface cleaning to remove dust and grime as well as several pieces of tape. There are several weakened corners that have to be supported with tissue and there is damage to the spine and binding.

1773 Antiphonarium

A page from an 18th century music book with a large colorful "V" in the top left corner.
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